Pete Campbell

SEO Blog with a mix of all things Geek, Web & Tech.

May 12, 2011

Going to SMX Advanced London

Danny Sullivan & Matt Cutts at SMX West 2009

Next week, I oddly feel like I’ll be gaining my black-belt qualification in the distinct martial art of SEO. I’ll luckily be attending my first ever SEO expo – SMX Advanced London (rock and roll!).

I recently joined British Midland International (bmi) as their new SEO Manager and this will be my first official gig as part of the role.

Being an expo newbie, I’m really looking forward to possibly networking with other SEO’rs and just simply the chance to get as much info as I can from the event – both professionally and personally because of my blatant nerd passion for SEO.

Conference Details

SMX Advanced London
Millennium Gloucester Hotel & Conference Centre

May 16th & 17th, 2011

If anyone reading is attending, please tweet me (@petecampbell) as I would love to meet up and share SEO magic tricks and discuss other super-cool subjects.

Categories: Conferences | Permalink

April 19, 2011

My Internet Marketing & Web Design Tutorials for Beginners

The Creare Bible (Circa 2010 - 2011)

While at Creare, I have been clocked before for carrying a nerdy black diary around, which in time came known as ‘The Creare Bible’.

It was just simply a collection of pen & paper notes, passwords and contact details, but people in the team borrowed it regularly for a ‘quick-answer’. Not very digital-age, but etc.. *

I thought I’d publish a quick list of all my Search & Web Design Blog Posts, Tutorials & Videos that I either wrote, or took part in while at the company.

Looking for some good Web Design Resources or Search Marketing Guides? Hopefully you’ll find a few gems here :)

Internet Marketing Tutorials


~ = Featured in Video, Script by Tom Nolan

Blog Posts

Web Design Resources


~ = Featured in Video, Script by James Bavington

Blog Posts

* I did eventually replace ‘The Creare Bible’ with a collection of Excel Spreadsheets, as if I’d stick to pen & paper!

Categories: Social Media, Tutorials, Videos, Web Design | Permalink

April 16, 2011

The Last Creare Supper (PPC Video)

How to improve your Google Adwords Account

Soon, I’ll be leaving my Creare and taking my overly nerdy SEO brain to pastures new. But, in the meantime, I just recorded my last video for Creare the other day – but wait, it is not on SEO, nor is yet another bloody blog on Google Analytics..

I have became a traitor to my race, and stepped into the deathstar of the SEO universe – PPC/Google Adwords (aka ‘The Yellow Box on Google Results’). AdWords is an amazing product, but that’s another blog.

It’s a little different from usual, and even if you short on time..
Skip to the end for some ‘quality’ improv skills.
They call me Pete ‘Larry David’ Campbell..

Categories: SEO | Permalink